Saturday, August 3, 2013

Assassin Designs_03-08-2013

Some designs ive been throwing around for a while. You can ignore the 3d one. I was just foolin around in sculptris. I dont really like the design in that one.I do like some of the stuff on the last page with just the faces but they still need work. If we are going for a cartoony look we should simplify the characters.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Assassin Design 2

Assassin Designs 1

Here are rough sketches of the Assassin showing different head shapes.  What is important when designing this character's is that he has to have some features of a bird.  Not too distinctive, just a little.  The assassin will also move like a bird at times.  Maybe when he is stressed or in \a predicament situation he's body or head may twitch.